Terms of Use

Below we present the Terms of Use, a document that outlines the main rules to be observed by all who access or use the features of the CREDILINK PORTAL, owned by CREDILINK INFORMAÇÕES DE CRÉDITO LTDA, a private legal entity, registered with the CNPJ under No. 02.581.711/0001-22, headquartered at Praça Pio X, No. 55, SL 802, Centro, ZIP Code 20.040-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (“CREDILINK”)

As a condition for accessing and using the exclusive features of the CREDILINK PORTAL, especially the use of registration information services, the USER declares that they have read this document and its Privacy Policies thoroughly and attentively, being fully aware and thus freely and expressly agreeing with the terms stipulated herein.


1.1 The CREDILINK PORTAL is a digital platform that provides registration information services from secure and legitimate sources for use by USERS, exclusively for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit protection.

1.2 CREDILINK aggregates information available in telephone directories, social networks, marketing research, and other sources from which it has legitimacy and authorization to use for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit protection. CREDILINK does not verify and cannot guarantee the accuracy and truthfulness of this information.

1.3 The CREDILINK PORTAL offers the following services:

I) Confirme Online: provides search and location services for information on individuals and companies throughout the national territory, where it is possible to consult: individuals, companies, addresses, ZIP codes, phone numbers, among others, and find names, relatives, phone numbers, addresses, corporate participations, among others;

II) Enriquecimento Online: allows you to send a list of registrations to be enriched and updated within the CREDILINK PORTAL database;

III) Credi Batch: allows the USER to upload and download batch files directly in a secure environment on the CREDILINK PORTAL.

IV) Information Confirmation: provides access to the CREDILINK information database.

V) Consulta de crédito: service for validation of checks, registration data, credit information with banking restrictions, CPF validation, date of birth, affiliation, and general information that together indicate the payment behavior of the researched person.

VI) Numbers with WhatsApp: indicates the mobile phone numbers that have the WhatsApp application installed.

VII) Webservice: integration service for credit analysis with validation of registration data and cross-referencing of multiple pieces of information through direct association between the USER's system and CREDILINK's database.

VIII) Consumidor seguro: a free service for individuals, requiring registration on the CREDILINK PORTAL, which informs the registered individual weekly via email whenever a company checks their CPF in the CREDILINK database.

IX) Histórico de crédito: provides information about consumer profiles, such as pre-dated check information, presumed income, reference phone numbers, retailer restrictions, among others.

1.4 To access the services of the CREDILINK PORTAL, you must log in to your Access Account using the login and password provided by CREDILINK after the services have been contracted.

1.5 CREDILINK may change the eligibility criteria for access and use of the CREDILINK PORTAL at any time, without having to provide any type of communication or prior notice to the USER.

1.6 CREDILINK reserves the right to refuse to grant, suspend, or cancel the Access Account of any USER who uses it fraudulently or without observing applicable laws, violates or attempts to violate these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, or any legal document made available by CREDILINK on the CREDILINK PORTAL.

1.7 CREDILINK also reserves the right to request the USER to provide additional information and possible copies of documents, solely and exclusively to confirm the USER's identity and prevent any potential damage or harm.


2.1 The CREDILINK PORTAL and its features are presented to the USER as they are available and may undergo constant improvements and updates, with CREDILINK being obliged to:

a) Preserve its functionality, with no broken links and using a layout that respects usability and navigability, whenever possible;

b) Display the features clearly, completely, accurately, and sufficiently so that there is an exact understanding of the operations performed; and

c) Protect, using the state-of-the-art technology available, the data collected through the provided features.

2.2 CREDILINK makes every effort to ensure the continuous and permanent availability of the CREDILINK PORTAL. However, temporary unavailability may occasionally occur due to necessary maintenance or even due to force majeure, such as natural disasters, communication system failures, and Internet access issues, or third-party actions beyond its sphere of control and responsibility.

2.2.1 If this occurs, CREDILINK will do its utmost to restore access to the CREDILINK PORTAL as soon as possible, within the technical limitations of its services and third-party services on which it depends to stay online.

2.2.2 Any maintenance procedures that result in the unavailability of the CREDILINK PORTAL for extended periods will be communicated through official communication channels, such as emails, official social media profiles, or customer service phone numbers.

2.3 The USER has no right to demand the availability of CREDILINK nor can they seek compensation or damages if the CREDILINK PORTAL remains offline, regardless of the reason.

2.4 CREDILINK reserves the right to change these Terms of Use and other established rules and criteria, services provided, additional registration fields, and data insertion, as well as the companies responsible for its intermediation and anything else it deems necessary for the proper functioning of the CREDILINK PORTAL and its business, without any prior notice to USERS.

2.5 CREDILINK may, according to its business objectives, modify or discontinue (temporarily or permanently) the distribution or updating of the CREDILINK PORTAL.

2.6 CREDILINK is not responsible for:

2.6.1 For any problems, bugs, glitches, or improper functioning that occur on the USERS' devices and equipment as a direct or indirect result of the regular use of the CREDILINK PORTAL.

2.6.2 For any direct or indirect damage caused by third-party events, such as, but not limited to, hacker attacks, system failures, server or internet connection failures, including actions by software that may, in some way, damage the USERS' physical or logical assets or connection as a result of accessing, using, or browsing the CREDILINK PORTAL, as well as the transfer of data, files, images, texts, audio, or videos contained therein.

2.6.3 For USERS' navigation on external links available on the CREDILINK PORTAL, it is the USER's duty to read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the accessed resource and act accordingly.

2.6.4 For verifying, controlling, approving, or ensuring the suitability or accuracy of the information or data provided on such links, and therefore not being responsible for any damages, losses, or harm caused by visiting such sites. It is the responsibility of the interested party to verify the reliability of the information and data displayed there before making any decisions or taking any actions.

2.6.5 For actions taken by USERS based, directly or indirectly, on the CREDILINK PORTAL, its rules, information, data, research, reports, regulations, opinions, suggestions, and others, the USER agrees to use it with common sense, based on morality and good customs.


3.1 USERS are responsible and obligated to:

3.1.1 Use the CREDILINK PORTAL correctly and ethically, respecting the conditions that govern its use and purpose.

3.1.2 Use the information provided on the CREDILINK PORTAL only for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit protection.

3.1.3 Provide correct, complete, and updated registration data, in addition to informing a contact channel that can be reached by CREDILINK for better service fulfillment. If at any time it is found that the USER has provided false or misleading data, CREDILINK reserves the right to suspend or cancel their registration, without prejudice to taking any other measures deemed appropriate.

3.1.4 Have compatible devices and equipment, an Internet connection service with antivirus and firewall enabled, and properly updated software.

3.1.5 Maintain the confidentiality of access data to your Account, especially your login and password, with respect to third parties and use it in an individual and non-transferable manner, not making available, disclosing, or sharing your password or any authentication mechanism with anyone, including on Platforms offered by third parties. If you suspect that the confidentiality of your password has been compromised, the USER should change or update it as soon as possible or contact the available support channels.

3.1.6 Adopt a strong password for accessing the Access Account, with a minimum of 8 characters, containing uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, in addition to not using obvious sequences of numbers and letters or easily deduced combinations. Additionally, we recommend that the USER does not reuse the same password in third-party applications, portals, and websites.

3.1.7 Take measures on your technological devices to prevent physical and logical access by unauthorized third parties, such as using passwords and/or biometrics.

3.1.8 Acknowledge that all access and operations performed after your successful digital authentication are interpreted as your responsibility in an indisputable manner, including those resulting from misuse or disclosure to third parties.

3.1.9 Ensure that your anti-spam systems, similar filters, or message redirection settings are adjusted so that they do not interfere with receiving communications and materials from CREDILINK. No excuses will be accepted for not having access to any email or electronic message due to these resources.

3.1.10 Respect all intellectual property rights owned by CREDILINK, including all rights related to third parties that may be or have been made available in any way.

3.1.11 Do not access programming areas of the CREDILINK PORTAL, its database, source codes, or any other set of data available in these environments.

3.1.12 Do not perform or allow reverse engineering, nor translate, decompile, copy, modify, reproduce, rent, sublicense, publish, disclose, transmit, lend, distribute, or otherwise improperly dispose of the features of the CREDILINK PORTAL.

3.1.13 Do not use software to automate access to the CREDILINK PORTAL, except for libraries provided by CREDILINK, as well as data mining or automated data collection software of any kind, or any other software not specified here that operates similarly.

3.2 The features that make up the CREDILINK PORTAL are offered as tools to support CREDILINK's services, not granting the USER any rights over the CREDILINK PORTAL or the technological structures that support it.

3.3 The eventual removal, blocking, or suspension of any content or feature of the CREDILINK PORTAL as a result of a complaint should always be understood as a demonstration of good faith and an intention to amicably resolve conflicts, and never as an admission of guilt or any infringement by CREDILINK of a third party's rights.

3.4 The USER is the sole and exclusive responsible party for all content, including but not limited to texts, information, prices, photos, images, music, videos, multimedia, animations, etc., sent through the CREDILINK PORTAL. They must observe and respect the intellectual property rights, trademarks, software, image, author, and related rights of third parties, and are fully responsible for obtaining the necessary authorizations from authors, artists, producers, and people involved in the content, exempting CREDILINK from any burden, duty, or liability arising from the lack of such authorizations or the violation of third-party rights mentioned in this clause.

3.5 In the event of damage to the CREDILINK PORTAL or to third parties, the responsible USER undertakes to bear all obligations to compensate the injured party, including those arising from acts carried out through their Access Account, assuming the defendant's role in legal action or administrative procedure and requesting the exclusion of CREDILINK, fully covering the related expenses and legal costs, thus freeing CREDILINK from any losses and burdens.

3.6 The failure to comply with any of the obligations stipulated herein may result in the total or partial suspension of the functionalities of the CREDILINK PORTAL, or the exclusion of the Access Account, without prior notice, as provided in this document.


4.1 User support can be provided through the following Support Channels, from Monday to Friday,
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.:
– Rio de Janeiro: (21) 2518-1109
– Main capitals and metropolitan regions: 4007 1762
– Other locations: 0800 602 1762
– Outside the specified hours, only through the system below:

Support Portal:

4.2 USERS can also use the support channels whenever they witness or detect inappropriate content on the CREDILINK PORTAL, whether it is clearly illegal or contrary to the usage rules stipulated herein. In such cases, reports will be confidential and will protect the identity of USERS.


5.1 CREDILINK may use all communication channels provided and authorized by its USERS, in various forms, including but not limited to notifications on the CREDILINK PORTAL, sending emails, phone calls, SMS, or any other form of instant electronic messaging.

5.2 The responsibility for receiving communications and notifications lies solely with the USERS; therefore, it is essential that they always provide correct and accurate information, and keep it updated whenever they navigate the CREDILINK PORTAL.

5.3 It is also the responsibility of USERS to configure their anti-spam systems so that they do not interfere with receiving communications and materials sent by CREDILINK or any notices sent by the CREDILINK PORTAL. No excuses will be accepted for not having access to any email due to such blocking or similar filtering.


6.1 CREDILINK has its own document, called the Privacy Policy, which regulates the handling of data collected on the CREDILINK PORTAL. It is an integral and inseparable part of these Terms of Use and can be accessed via the link found in its footer.

6.2 If any provision of the Privacy Policy conflicts with any other provision of this document, the terms of the more specific rule shall prevail.


7.1 The commercial use of the expression "CREDILINK" or words that resemble it, but with different spellings, such as trademarks, business names, or domain names, as well as the contents of the CREDILINK PORTAL screens, including computer programs, databases, networks, and their files, are the property of CREDILINK and are protected by intellectual property protection laws and international treaties, including but not limited to Federal Laws 9.609/98, 9.610/98, 9.279/96, and 10.406/2002.

7.2 By accessing the CREDILINK PORTAL, USERS declare that they will respect all intellectual property rights of CREDILINK, including, but not limited to, computer programs, copyrights, and industrial property rights over trademarks, patents, domain names, company names, and industrial designs, filed or registered in the name of CREDILINK, as well as all rights related to third parties that may be or have been available on the CREDILINK PORTAL in any way. Any infringement may result in the blocking of the Access Account at CREDILINK's discretion, and the USER may be subject to the payment of contractual fines and compensation for damages.


8.1 These Terms of Use are subject to constant improvement and enhancement. Thus, CREDILINK reserves the right to modify them at any time, according to its purpose or convenience, as well as to comply with legal requirements or norms that have equivalent legal force. It is the USERS' responsibility to review them whenever accessing the CREDILINK PORTAL.

8.2 When updates are made to this document, CREDILINK will notify the USER through the tools available on the CREDILINK PORTAL.

8.3 By browsing the CREDILINK PORTAL and using its features, the USER agrees to be guided by the current Terms of Use on the date of access. Therefore, the USER must stay updated.

8.4 The tolerance of any eventual non-compliance with any provision in this document will not constitute a waiver of the obligations stipulated herein, nor will it prevent or inhibit their enforceability at any time.

8.5 If any provision of this document is deemed unenforceable or without effect, the remainder of the document will continue to be in force, without the need for a judicial measure to declare such assertion.


9.1 The CREDILINK PORTAL was developed and made available to be used by individuals for the specific purpose of utilizing CREDILINK's registration information services. Any use outside this standard must be previously authorized by CREDILINK, and any result from unauthorized or non-standard use as established here cannot be utilized or made available to any person without the prior and express authorization of CREDILINK.

9.2 In addition to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, the CREDILINK PORTAL has specific contracts related to the services provided, available features, procedures, and policies adopted by CREDILINK.

9.3 In the event of any discrepancies between these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, or any other document on the CREDILINK PORTAL, the provisions of the most specific regulation shall prevail.

9.4 USERS must provide the necessary means to browse the CREDILINK PORTAL, including having the necessary equipment to access the CREDILINK PORTAL, as well as contracting a telecommunications service provider to meet the minimum Internet access requirements.

9.5 CREDILINK is not responsible for any damage, loss, or harm to USERS' equipment caused by system failures, server issues, or Internet connection problems, even if resulting from third-party conduct, including actions by malicious software such as viruses, trojans, and other types of malicious content and files that may, in any way, damage USERS' equipment or connection as a result of accessing, using, or browsing the CREDILINK PORTAL, as well as from transferring data, files, images, texts, audios, videos, or links available on the CREDILINK PORTAL.

9.6 The USER acknowledges that all communication made by email, notification, or SMS (to the addresses provided in their registration) is also valid, effective, and sufficient for the dissemination of any matter related to the services provided by CREDILINK, as well as the conditions of its provision or any other matter addressed therein, except for provisions expressly different from those provided in these Terms of Use.

9.7 All records and data storage made in the CREDILINK PORTAL environment will be conducted and cataloged based on the official time of Brasília.


10.1 CREDILINK has protective barriers and security procedures to safeguard its assets in order to prevent any misuse or unauthorized alteration of the data it holds.

10.2 The provision and submission of data are the responsibility of the USER. Only after the data is collected can CREDILINK apply its security controls and preserve the privacy of its USER.

10.3 CREDILINK adopts various security mechanisms to ensure access to USER data, including the access password to the USER's Account on the CREDILINK PORTAL.

10.4 Access to the CREDILINK PORTAL is done using the login and password provided by CREDILINK, and the USER must change the password according to the security requirements indicated by CREDILINK at the time of their first access. Thus, the password is the credential for accessing the CREDILINK PORTAL, being strictly defined and managed by the USER.

10.5 If the USER chooses to log in to the Customer Portal using their Facebook or Google account, they are aware that the authentication and security process will be the exclusive responsibility of these companies, according to their directives.

10.6 If there are any questions, the USER can contact CREDILINK through the contact channels indicated on the CREDILINK PORTAL.


11.1 Occasionally, changes may occur on the CREDILINK PORTAL. Whenever this happens, CREDILINK will inform that a new version of the CREDILINK PORTAL has been made available. Therefore, we ask that you always update the CREDILINK PORTAL to its latest version.


12.1 For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:

Anti-Spam: A system that prevents unwanted correspondence, such as mass advertising, by blocking messages or moving them to a specific folder.

CREDILINK PORTAL: CREDILINK's registration information services portal.

Access Account: A USER's credential required to use or access the exclusive features of the CREDILINK PORTAL.

Glitches: Used to designate an unexpected malfunction that prevents the execution or proper operation of the intended function on the CREDILINK PORTAL.

Layout: The set comprising the appearance, design, and flows of the CREDILINK PORTAL.

Link: Terminology for internet address.

Password: A set of characters that serves as the USER's digital identity proof, whose knowledge must be exclusive and unique.

USER: Person who accesses and/or uses the features of the CREDILINK PORTAL.


13.1 These Terms of Use will be interpreted according to Brazilian law, in the Portuguese language, and the Forum of the District of Rio de Janeiro, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, is chosen to resolve any disputes or controversies involving this document, except for specific personal, territorial, or functional jurisdiction by applicable law.