Deep Checking

Deep Checking

Minimize risks in your business!

Deep Checking

Complete Solution.

Stay ahead of your competitors.

Deep Checking is Credilink's solution for reputational checks on individuals and organizations, verifying information about people and companies who may become business partners—whether clients, employees, partners, or suppliers.

Deep Checking can be applied across various sectors and industries, playing a crucial role in finance, insurance, HR, legal, logistics, technology, e-commerce, government, public safety, and more. It helps to mitigate risks, prevent fraud, ensure regulatory compliance, and protect corporate reputation. This solution supports due diligence on suppliers, business partners, and shareholders, and is also valuable in candidate selection for job openings and during customer onboarding.

It is directly related to the Due Diligence process, providing accurate analysis through methodologies like KYC (Know Your Customer), KYE (Know Your Employee), KYS (Know Your Supplier), and KYP (Know Your Partner), while also supporting the institution's Compliance policies.

Protect your business.

Access reputational data and minimize risks.

Protect your business.

Access reputational data and minimize risks.
Deep Checking

Discover the benefits

Protect your company with security, compliance, precise decisions, and risk-free transactions.
Avoid fraud and irregularities that harm your business and save on investigations.
Corporate Security
Evaluate history to avoid association with individuals or institutions of poor reputation.
Integrity Check
Meets legal and compliance requirements, affirming ethics and commitment.
Protect your company from potential legal, financial, and reputational risks.
Risk Management
AML-CFT protocols (Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing).
Secure transactions
Protect your company from media scandals, safeguarding its reputation and trust.
Image preserved
Strategic decisions based on qualified information to mitigate risks.
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