Monitor de Riscos & Fraude

O Monitor de Riscos e fraudes is a solution that, using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), evaluates the risk of fraudulent activities by analyzing data in real time to generate a risk score that helps detect and prevent fraud. Additionally, the monitor functions as a service (SaaS) and can be easily integrated into systems via a secure API, with customized configurations according to each client's needs.

  • Real-time data analysis
  • Integration via API
  • Machine Learning & AI

How it works

Learn in practice how Credilink's Monitor de Riscos & Fraude


Discover the benefits

O Monitor de Riscos & Fraude uses the most advanced technologies, combined with the power and scalability of artificial intelligence, mitigating the risk of losses for your business.

1Real-time analysis
Operates in real time, identifying suspicious transactions that can be blocked immediately, without manual intervention, in an agile and efficient manner.
2Savings and efficiency
Saves resources and costs associated with investigations, legal processes, and fund recoveries.
3Artificial Intelligence driving your business
Effectiveness in detecting fraud through unusual patterns and behaviors, preventing financial losses.
Our technologies are integrated across various channels (online, mobile, POS) to reach all means of communication with the customer and the Credilink ecosystem.
In compliance with security and privacy regulations.

Are you prepared to detect fraud in real time?

Contact us and discover how Credilink's Monitor de Risco & Fraude
can protect your business!


Are you prepared to detect fraud in real time?

Contact us and discover how Credilink's Monitor de Risco & Fraude
can protect your business!